Model 2281S-20-6 DC Power Supply and Battery Simulator Reference Manual
Section 7: SCPI command reference
077114601 / March 2019
This command sets the V-set value for charging and discharging in the battery test function.
Affected by
Where saved
Default value
Command and query
Recall settings
Instrument reset
Power cycle
Save settings
0 V
:BATTery[n]:TEST:[SOURce]:VOLTage[:LEVel] <value>
:BATTery[n]:TEST:[SOURce]:VOLTage[:LEVel]? DEFault
:BATTery[n]:TEST:[SOURce]:VOLTage[:LEVel]? MINimum
:BATTery[n]:TEST:[SOURce]:VOLTage[:LEVel]? MAXimum
Channel number: For single-channel instruments, the value is 1
0 to 20 V
This command specifies the V-set value, which determines whether the current direction is source or
sink. The current direction is switched automatically based on the terminal voltage of the battery
under test.
If the V-set value is greater than the terminal voltage of the battery under test, the instrument will start
to charge the battery.
If the V-set value is lower than the terminal voltage of the battery under test, the instrument will start
to discharge the battery.
Set the V-set value to 5 V.
Also see