Section 7: SCPI command reference
Model 2281S-20-6 DC Power Supply and Battery Simulator Reference Manual
077114601 / March 2019
OUTPut subsystem
The output subsystem provides information and settings that control the source output.
This command specifies a delay that the instrument waits before turning off the specified output.
Affected by
Where saved
Default value
Command and query
Recall settings
Instrument reset
Power cycle
Save settings
0 s
:OUTPut:DELay:FALLing <n>
:OUTPut:DELay:FALLing <n>,<channel>
:OUTPut:DELay:FALLing? <channel>
:OUTPut:DELay:FALLing? DEFault
:OUTPut:DELay:FALLing? DEFault,<channel>
:OUTPut:DELay:FALLing? MINimum
:OUTPut:DELay:FALLing? MINimum,<channel>
:OUTPut:DELay:FALLing? MAXimum
:OUTPut:DELay:FALLing? MAXimum,<channel>
Delay rising time: 0 to 10 s with the resolution of 0.001 s.
The channel number (default value is CH1):
Channel 1: CH1
Channel 2: CH2
This command sets the falling delay so that output will not turn off until the delay has elapsed. This
command affects on-to-off transitions, including the operation:
Set the falling delay time to 1 s.
Also see
(on page 7-109)
(on page 7-113)