Model 2281S-20-6 DC Power Supply and Battery Simulator Reference Manual
Section 1: Introduction
077114601 / March 2019
Organization of manual sections
The information in this manual is organized into the following major categories:
General operation:
Describes the components of the instrument and basic operation.
Functions and features:
Describes features and functions, such as measure operations, battery test,
battery simulation, list mode, reading buffers, triggering, the digital I/O port, graph function, output
delay, and slew rate.
Measurement optimization:
Describes best practices and recommended procedures that can
increase measurement speed, accuracy, and sensitivity.
Application examples:
Contains examples of several applications that you can use as a starting
point for your own application.
Introduction to SCPI commands:
Describes how to control the instrument using SCPI commands.
SCPI command reference:
Contains programming notes and an alphabetical listing of all SCPI
commands available for the 2281S.
Troubleshooting guide:
Describes the event log and basic LAN troubleshooting.
Next steps:
Contains sources of additional information.
Contains information about instrument maintenance, including line fuse replacement
and firmware upgrades.
Contains performance verification procedures.
Calibration and adjustment:
Contains information about instrument calibration from the front panel
and using SCPI commands.
Status model:
Describes the 2281S status model.