Section 7: SCPI command reference
Model 2281S-20-6 DC Power Supply and Battery Simulator Reference Manual
077114601 / March 2019
Include reading and timestamp in the reading buffer,
Example output:
+8.034562E-03, 07/01/2013 19:21:36.2553
Also see
(on page 7-15)
(on page 7-18)
(on page 7-20)
This command makes a measurement and returns the reading.
Affected by
Where saved
Default value
Query only
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
:MEASure[n]:<function>? <range>
:MEASure[n]:<function>? <range>,<resolution>
Channel number: For single-channel instruments, the value is 1
The measurement function to which this setting applies:
Concurrent: CONCurrent[:DC]
Current: CURRent[:DC]
Voltage: VOLTage[:DC]
The range value.
Current range and concurrent range:
10 mA range: 0.01
100 mA range: 0.1
1 A range: 1
10 A range: 10
Voltage range: 20 V
4.5 digit resolution: 4
5.5 digit resolution: 5
6.5 digit resolution: 6
This command makes a measurement using the specified function and stores the reading in a
reading buffer.
If the buffer is set to
mode, this command only makes a measurement and returns the
reading without saving in the buffer.