© 2009 MDM INC.
Sustainable, Efficient.
Proudly Assembled in the USA
© 2009 MDM INC.
Sustainable, Efficient.
Proudly Assembled in the USA
© 2009 MDM INC.
Sustainable, Efficient.
End-suction cEntrifugal
nEMa 143JM-215JM
3” flangEd inlEt, 2” flangEd discHargE
3/4 HP tHrougH 15 HP
stainlEss stEEl
stainlEss stEEl WitH Buna and Viton
Please read completely before you install or operate your new pump! do not allow this pump to become submerged!
never run dry - never reverse rotation. never exceed an internal case pressure of: 100 Psi.
rotary seal - requires no lubrication after assembly.
this product is warranted to the initial purchaser to be free of defects in materials and workmanship at the time of initial pur-
chase and for a period of 3 years for sequence® products. in the event this product malfunctions within one year from the date
of purchase, the sole obligation of MdM, incorporated (hereinafter referred to as MdM) will be to repair the unit or replace with
an equivalent new or factory refurbished unit at MdM’s discretion, subject to the following conditions:
1. the malfunction is proved attributable to a defect in materials or workmanship, including repairs performed under this war-
ranty. Malfunction for any other reason-including but not limited to misuse, negligence, accident, or tampering with parts,
incorrect wiring, or improper installation-will not be remedied under this warranty.
2. MDM specifically does not guarantee chemical compatibility, and expressly does not warrant units from any problems caused
by chemical attack or failure due to incompatibility of fluid being pumped with pump materials of construction.
Purchaser shall also retain and present to MDM evidence of purchaser’s compatibility tests under actual operating conditions.
3. all warranty repairs must be performed by MdM or an MdM authorized company. Purchaser must retain the purchase receipt and present
it with this certificate as proof of ownership and entitlement to warranty repairs. Unauthorized repairs will not be compensated by MDM,
and are not the responsibility of MdM, and if such repairs damage the product, such damages are not remedied under this warranty.
4. Purchaser shall bear all shipping, packing and insurance costs and all other costs, excluding labor and parts necessary to
effectuate repairs under this warranty.
5. Periodic check-ups are not covered by this warranty.
This warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties which now or hereafter might otherwise arise with respect to this prod-
uct. Any and all limited warranties, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose, shall have
no greater duration than the duration period of the express written warranty applicable to this product, and shall terminate
automatically the expiration of such duration period. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty
lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. No action shall be brought for breach of any implied or express warranty
after one year subsequent to the expiration of the duration period of the express written warranty.
Incidental and consequential damages caused by malfunction, defect, or otherwise, and with respect to breach of any ex-
press or implied warranty, are not the responsibility of MDM, and, to the extent permitted by law, are hereby excluded both for
property damage and, to the extent not unconscionable, for personal injury damage. Some states do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
8. this warranty does not apply to any malfunction arising out of any application of this product other than normal use, unless
such application is upon request specifically approved in writing by MDM.
9. the provisions of this warranty are severable and if any provision shall be deemed invalid, the remaining provisions shall
remain in full force and effect.
10. rights under this warranty are not assignable without the express prior consent in writing by MdM and, regardless of the
terms of such consent in writing, such assignee shall have no greater rights than his assignor had against MdM.
11. after the warranty period, units requiring maintenance or repair may qualify for our exchange program. the exchange pro-
gram provides an opportunity to repair/replace your pump and/or motor at a nominal charge. Please refer to the Exchange
Policy or contact MdM for details and current pricing.
*The pump must be drained before servicing or if stored below
freezing temperatures. Periodic replacement of seals may be
required due to normal carbon wear.
name: __________________________________________
address: ________________________________________
city: ___________________ state: ____ Zip: ________
Model: __________________ serial number: ___________
date purchased: ______ Where purchased: _____________
Please fill in for future reference:
ModEl: ___________________________
sErial nuMBEr: ____________________
datE PurcHasEd: ___________________
* Please fill out the warranty registration card
in this manual or online at www.mdminc.com
gasgacinch® is a registered trademark of Porter Manufacturing. noryl® is a registered trademark saBic. teflon® is a
registered trademark of duPont company. sequence® is a registered trademark of MdM incorporated. Permatex® is a
registered trademark of: itW.
sequence titan installation Manual.indd adobe indesign cs 2.0 04-24-09
Activate your warranty by filling out this form and mailing to MDM Inc. or by registering on-line at www.mdminc.com
325 Karen Lane • Colorado Springs, CO • 80907
Phone (719) 634-8202 • Fax (866) 425-1346
Motor Will Not Rotate
1. check for proper electrical connections to motor.
2. check main power box for tripped circuit breaker.
Motor Hums Or Will Not Rotate
1. check for proper electrical connections to motor and proper wire size according to local electrical codes.
2. check for foreign material inside pump.
3. remove volute and check for impeller rotation without excessive resistance and/or noise.
4. remove pump and check shaft rotation for excessive bearing noise.
5. check start switch and/or capacitor.
Pump Operates With Little Or No Flow
1. check to insure that pump is primed.
2. check for leaking seal.
3. improper line voltage to motor or incorrect rotation.
4. check for clogged inlet port and/or impeller.
5. defective check or foot valve.
6. Check inlet lines for leakage, either fluid or air.
Pump Loses Prime
1. defective check or foot valve.
2. inlet line air leakage.
3. seal leaking.
4. fluid supply low.
Motor Or Pump Overheats
1. check for proper line voltage and phase, also proper motor wiring.
2. Binding motor shaft or pump parts.
3. inadequate ventilation.
4. fluid being pumped should not exceed 194°f (90°c) for extended periods of time
3 Y
ear Warranty