LCD_F Controller Architecture and Operation
SLAU356I – March 2015 – Revised June 2019
Copyright © 2015–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
LCD_F Controller Animation
Up to 8 segments can be put into a repetitive animation pattern. The number of frames in the animation
pattern is determined by the LCDANMSTP bits. The frames are designated T0 to T7.
The segments that support the animation feature are mapped on to the device pins as follows, depending
on the mux mode.
Static Mode : L0 to L7 × COM0
2-mux Mode : L0 to L3 × COM0, COM1
3-mux Mode : L0 and L1 × COM0, COM1, COM2
4-mux Mode : L0 and L1 × COM0, COM1, COM2, COM3
5-mux Mode : L0 × COM0, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4
6-mux Mode : L0 × COM0, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5
7-mux Mode : L0 × COM0, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6
8-mux Mode : L0 × COM0, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7
When animation is enabled by setting the LCDANMEN bit, the L0 to Lx bits (x depending on mux mode as
defined above) must be configured as SEG pins by setting the appropriate bits in LCDCPCTLx and
LCDCSSELx registers as usual. But instead of displaying the values from LCDMx memory registers, the
controller displays the values as set in LCDANMx memory registers.
When Animation is enabled , the segments which do not support animation continue to display as per the
mode selected by LCDBLKMODx and display memory selected by LCDDISP.
Setting the bit LCDANMCLR clears all animation memory registers. It is automatically reset after the
registers are cleared. The Animation memory LCDANMx mapping to the segments is shown in figure
The Animation feature can be enabled before entering LPM3, and animation continues to run
during LPM3.