Receive Buffer
Receive Shift Register
Transmit Buffer
Transmit Shift Register
SPI Receive Buffer
Data Shift Register DSR
Common SPI
eUSCI Operation – SPI Mode
SLAU356I – March 2015 – Revised June 2019
Copyright © 2015–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Enhanced Universal Serial Communication Interface (eUSCI) – SPI Mode 4-Pin SPI Master Mode (UCSTEM = 0)
In 4-pin master mode with UCSTEM = 0, UCxSTE is a digital input that can be used to prevent conflicts
with another master and controls the master as described in
. When UCxSTE is in the master-
inactive state and UCSTEM = 0:
UCxSIMO and UCxCLK are set to inputs and no longer drive the bus.
The error bit UCFE is set, indicating a communication integrity violation to be handled by the user.
The internal state machines are reset and the shift operation is aborted.
If data is written into UCxTXBUF while the master is held inactive by UCxSTE, it is transmit as soon as
UCxSTE transitions to the master-active state. If an active transfer is aborted by UCxSTE transitioning to
the master-inactive state, the data must be rewritten into UCxTXBUF to be transferred when UCxSTE
transitions back to the master-active state. The UCxSTE input signal is not used in 3-pin master mode. 4-Pin SPI Master Mode (UCSTEM = 1)
If UCSTEM = 1 in 4-pin master mode, UCxSTE is a digital output. In this mode the slave enable signal for
a single slave is automatically generated on UCxSTE. The corresponding behavior can be seen in
If multiple slaves are desired, this feature is not applicable and the software needs to use general purpose
I/O pins instead to generate STE signals for each slave individually.
25.3.4 Slave Mode
shows the eUSCI as a slave in both 3-pin and 4-pin configurations. UCxCLK is used as the
input for the SPI clock and must be supplied by the external master. The data-transfer rate is determined
by this clock and not by the internal bit clock generator. Data written to UCxTXBUF and moved to the TX
shift register before the start of UCxCLK is transmitted on UCxSOMI. Data on UCxSIMO is shifted into the
receive shift register on the opposite edge of UCxCLK and moved to UCxRXBUF when the set number of
bits are received. When data is moved from the RX shift register to UCxRXBUF, the UCRXIFG interrupt
flag is set, indicating that data has been received. The overrun error bit UCOE is set when the previously
received data is not read from UCxRXBUF before new data is moved to UCxRXBUF.
Figure 25-3. eUSCI Slave and External Master