Revised 2017-08-31
Services Tab
Drawing No. LP0997-C
GPS Settings
Series SN/RAM
6000 & RAM 9000 Software Manual
- 127 -
Select Violation Action:
Select the action to be taken when a protected perimeter violation occurs using the
drop-down list provided. The available options are:
Report Only: The device reports violation events to a SixView Manager server.
Block Network:
All network traffic, except to a SixView Manager server, will be blocked.
Block All:
In addition to the actions taken in Block Network, all access to the device including via
physical ports (console, etc.) is blocked.
Configured special actions are applied.
Notify SVM Server:
Control whether GeoFence status changes are reported to the SVM Servers configured in
SixView Manager.
Show Advanced Configuration:
Select Yes to configure advanced GPS parameters.
Valid Points (Required):
The maximum number of valid GPS location entries required for GeoFence
boundary establishment may be entered in this field. The recommended setting for this field is 200.
This configures the number of GPS Data points to collect before building the GeoFence boundary. These
points are collected when instructed to go into initial Lockdown mode. Larger values require more time to build
the initial fence, yet may yield a more accurate Calculated Minimum Radius. The allowable range is 100-1000.
Distance Reporting Threshold (Required):
The value for the Distance Reporting Threshold may be entered
in this field.
When not in GeoFence Lockdown, a Distance Threshold exceeded message will be sent to a SixView
Manager server every time the unit is moved more than the configured amount (in feet) from its previously
recorded location. This is typically only useful in a mobile application. The allowable range is 200-1000000
Require User Cleared Violations:
Select whether the user is required to clear perimeter violations using the
drop-down list provided. The recommended setting for this field is 0. Available values are:
Whenever a full violation state has been reached (Violation Outside or Violation No Data), the next good GPS
data point received will automatically clear the violation and return the unit to “Lockdown Good”. When this
option is set to Yes, then the Violation will NOT be cleared until a SixView Manager server or user sends down
a command to re-initiate Lockdown. This will build a new GeoFence boundary based on current location and
radius parameters.
Maximum log entries (Required):
The value for Maximum log size may be entered in this field. The
recommended value for this field is 600.
Number of log entries to keep in a GPS raw log in NMEA format. Raw GPS Log access is available upon
request. A new log entry will be generated according to the setting in Raw Log Interval. A maximum of 50k is
saved. The allowable range is 100-1000.
Discardable # outlier points (Required):
The value of the # Outlier Points to Ignore may be entered in this
field. The recommended setting for this field is 5.
When a GeoFence is being established, the GPS engine ignores a certain number of the first few anomalous
location fixes before points outside the GeoFence are subject to
actions. After that initial ‘settling
period’, each new GPS point must be examined in relation to the established boundary. Even under ideal
conditions, intermittent signal reception and/or multipath interferences issues can result in points being
erroneously reported beyond the GeoFence boundary. This parameter can be used to tune the filtering of this
‘jitter’ to reduce the likelihood of a false positive GeoFence violation. The allowable range is 0-50.