Network Tab
Revised 2017-08-31
Drawing No. LP0997-C
- 92 -
Series SN/RAM
6000 & RAM 9000 Software Manual
To add a GRE Tunnel:
Click on the
button and the Add GRE Tunnel pop-up window appears:
Enter a description to describe this tunnel. This field is not required for GRE tunnel functionality and it is
just for tunnel identification. Supported characters are alphanumeric plus the following special characters: _@-
./',;:?~! #$%^&
Tunnel Name:
Select the name of the GRE name by choosing one of the options available in the provided
drop-down list.
Select Yes to enable the tunnel.
Local bind-to IP:
Set the local bind IP address for tunneled packets. This field is optional.
If supplied, the Local IP Address must be an address on another interface of this host. If not
supplied, tunneled packets can be received from any interface.
Local Endpoint IP/Mask (Required):
Set the local GRE IP Endpoint IP/mask.
Remote Public IP (Required):
Set the Remote Public IP for this GRE connection.
Remote Endpoint IP/Mask (Required):
Set the Remote GRE IP Endpoint IP/mask.