26.10 Automation Procedures
For all procedures below:
Open a Vision Project File.
Open the “Project” window using the “View” menu in the Main window.
Create and name a new song if needed using the “Songs” tab in the Project window.
Make sure the Mix Tree is displayed.
Setup the needed routing and other recall settings.
Creating a New Mix in Automation
To create a new mix using automation, perform the following procedure:
Select “Default State” from the Automation Control Module (ACM) Main Menu.
Confirm this operation when prompted. This will put all channel sections in Manual
mode and prepare other ACM functions for automation.
Create a rough mix on the console. This mix will become the initial positions for
your new mix.
Select “New Mix” from the ACM Main Menu. Confirm this operation when
prompted. This will clear the current mix in the ACM and create a new mix that
contains the Initial Positions of your rough mix.
Once the new mix has been created, the mode can be changed to Read at any
time and the system will playback the Initial Positions of your rough mix. Status of
the system can be changed using the console hardware or PC software.
To record moves to faders and switches, select the channel sections to be
changed and select either Update or Write to record your moves at the proper
time. Section selection and automation modes can be changed at any time, even
while Timecode is running.
It might be helpful to engage “Auto Safe,” so all sections in Write will change to
Update after moves have been recorded and Timecode is stopped. “Auto Safe”
acts as a safety device to help prevent recorded moves from being overwritten
After a few moves have been recorded, save the mix from the ACM to the Mix
Tree by pressing the “Save Mix” button on the VCP. It might be helpful to
engaged “Auto Save,” so the mix in the ACM is saved to the Mix Tree every time
new moves are recorded.
After the first ACM mix is saved to the Mix Tree, it might be helpful to open the
Mix Properties from the Mix Tree Menu to make sure the Glide Rate is set as
needed. It can also be helpful to name and color code this first mix.
To fine tune the mix, use a combination of mode and submodes as needed. Using
the Mix Tree edit functions might also help fine tune the mix.
As all the moves for a set of controls have been completed, it might be helpful to
set the “Safe” mode for that set of controls to help prevent accidental changes.
If “Auto Save” is not being used, be sure to press “Save Mix” once the mix is
finished and ready to print.