17.5 Lower System Patch Bay
The Lower System Patch Bay contains patch points that support the following:
2-Track and 8-Track record/playback device returns
Stereo and Surround monitor source inputs
Control Room monitor and Studio monitor outputs
Control Room monitor and Studio amplifier inputs
E1068L inputs and outputs
LFE inputs and output
Control Room Monitor Inserts
Stereo, Surround, and Solo Summing Bus Access
Lt Rt External Inputs
Oscillator/Pink Noise generator
Talk Back
Phase Reverse (polarity inverter)
Multiples (MULT)
2-Track and 8-Track Record/Playback Device Returns and Stereo and Surround
Monitor Source Inputs
2T 1-4 OUT (2-Track Outputs 1-4): Returns from the
external 2-Track record/playback device outputs
Half-normalled to 2 TRACK 1-4 CONTROL ROOM
Room Monitor Inputs): Feeds the Control Room
monitor stereo Playback selectors
Feeds the 2T1, 2T2, 2T3, and 2T4 Playback
Monitor Selectors
Half-normalled from 2T 1-4 OUT
Patching to these points will replace the feed to
the 2-Track Monitor Selectors with the patch
cord signal.
8 TRACK 1-4 OUT (8-Track Outputs 1-4): Returns from the
external 8-Track record/playback device outputs
Half-normalled to 8 TRACK 1-4 CONTROL ROOM MNTR
8 TRACK CONTROL ROOM MNTR IN (8-Track Control Room Monitor Inputs): Feeds the Control Room
monitor surround Playback selectors
Feeds the 6T1, 6T2, 6T3, and 6T4 Playback Monitor Source Selectors
Half-normalled from 8 TRACK 1-4 OUT
Patching to these points will replace the feed to the 6-Track Monitor Selectors with the patch
cord signal.