25.7 Edit Group Window
Groups are set up and modified using the “Edit Group” window.
The Edit Group window has the following sections:
Group Name: Text-entry box for the naming of the group
Sections: Checkboxes for the selection of channels sections to be controlled by a new
group (Fader, Mute, Insert, Switch)
Group Type: Radio buttons for the selection of the functionality of a new (Normal or VCA
Channel or Fader 1: Channel/Fader 1 selection grid for Group Masters and Members
Fader 2: Fader 2 selection grid for Group Masters and Members
OK and Cancel Buttons: Buttons to accept the changes or cancel them
Group Name
The “Group Name” text-entry box allows a new group to be named and the editing of the
name of an existing group.
Four different channel “sections” can be selected to be part of a new group:
Fader: Fader 1 and Fader 2 on all channels
Mute: Fader 1 and Fader 2 MUTE switches on all channels
Insert: Fader 1 and Fader 2 INSERT switches on all channels
Switch: EQ BYP (EQ Bypass) and Auxiliary Send On/Off
IMPORTANT NOTE: Channel sections must be selected before the Group Master and
Members are selected. Any Masters or Members selected before the
channel sections are selected will be cleared when sections are
When the Edit Groups window is opened by selecting “New Group” from the Groups Menu
or by clicking the “New Group” button, the “Sections” checkboxes are active. The
checkboxes are used to select which channel sections will be part of a new group.
Fader: Selects faders for group control
mute: Selects mute switches for group control
Insert: Selects the channel inserts for group control
Switch: Selects automation switches for group control
Click in the text-entry box to enter or change a Group Name.