When engaged, Auto Takeover will automatically set any sections in Write or Update to
Read when Timecode is stopped. If the media is rewound and then played up to the point
where Timecode was stopped, Auto Takeover will restore all the sections that were
previously in Write or Update to their former modes at that point.
Auto Takeover can be activated or deactivated at any time. When deactivated, the
memorized activation Timecode and saved modes will be discarded.
Auto Takeover is useful when you want to review the moves recorded through a section of
a mix and then automatically resume mixing in the same modes at the point where the
Timecode was stopped.
Designed as a safety feature, Auto Safe automatically resets all sections in Write to
Update whenever Timecode is stopped. It helps prevent accidental erasure of moves from
forgetting to take sections out of Write after moves have been recorded and restarting
Timecode playback.
Auto Takeover: Keeps track of the sections that are in Update or
Write at the point where Timecode is stopped and restores those
modes when that point in Timecode is reached on a subsequent
The Auto Takeover button in the Global Functions window
will illuminate in yellow when engaged
The Auto Takeover button on the VCP will illuminate in
yellow when engaged
Auto Safe: Automatically sets any sections in Write to Update
when Timecode is stopped
The Auto Safe button in the Global Functions window will
illuminate in yellow when engaged
The Auto Safe button on the VCP will illuminate in yellow
when engaged
Kill Mix: Activates a flag to discard any changes made during the
current automation pass. This suppresses end-of-pass processes
when Timecode is stopped.
The Kill Mix button in the Global Functions window will
illuminate in yellow when engaged
The Kill Mix button on the VCP will illuminate in yellow when
As a reminder, the Timecode location where the previous modes
will be restored is displayed in the Auto Takeover button in the
Global Functions window.