Channel Output Assignment Using Vision Software
Channel output routing and bus assignments may be made via the Vision software using the recall
The recall system also provides the means to determine Auxiliary Send routing and set the
positions of a large number of switches on one of more channels. Collectively, the hardware
states of these controls can be read from the console and stored as part of a “snapshot.” The
“recall settings” in the snapshot can be re-applied to the console at a later time.
Note: Only channel output assignments will be covered in this section of this manual. Complete
details for using the recall system for channel setup and snapshots, refer to section 24.0
Recall System.
4.3.1 Recall Settings Window
The Recall Settings window is the primary interface with the recall system.
The Recall Settings window provides control over the following channel output assignments:
Fader 1 and Fader 2 Output Assignments:
Channel Direct Output
Multitrack Summing Busses 1-24 (Bus Assign)
Stereo Program Bus A
Stereo Program Bus B
Stereo Program Bus C
Surround Program Bus
Pan-pot Activation
Fader 2 Switches:
Direct (Direct Output)