Mix Tree
Once a mix has been created in the Automation Control Module (ACM), it can be saved to the
Mix Tree in the Project window.
Click the Mix Tree tab in the Project window to display the Mix Tree.
A Project File must be open in order to save a mix to the Mix Tree. As soon as a mix is saved to
the Mix Tree it is immediately saved to the PC hard-drive.
The Mix Tree displays and manages the mix files for the current project. This includes the
mixes created in the ACM, as well as mixes created using the Mix Tree edit functions.
Once a mix is in the Mix Tree, it can be named, edited, copied, and deleted.
Mix Tree Display
For each mix, the following information is displayed:
Mix Icons: Icons that indicated the status of the mix
Mix Name: Name of the mix
Time: The time and date the mix was created
Size: The size of the mix
Groups: The number of groups contained within the mix
Change: Information regarding the differences between a mix and the mix it was
derived from (duplicate, group added/deleted, off-line trim, etc.)