18.0 Vision Computer Control
Each Vision console is equipped with a PC computer and a display mounted in the center section. The
computer uses a Windows operating system and runs the Vision console and Pinquin meter software
System Overview
The Vision software system facilitates several console features and functions:
Automation: Fader, mute, and switch automation
Groups: Fader, mute, automation switch groups
Recall: Software control of channel input and output assignments, and recallable
switches positions
Snapshots: Capture, store, and load static “snapshots” of faders, mutes, and recall
DAW Control Surface: Console control of DAW fader, mute, solo, and record ready via
File Management: Projects, songs, snapshots, and mixes
Vision software interfaces with the console hardware via two primary systems, automation and
recall. Each system operates independently of the other.
Hardware and Software Interface
The Recall System provides the means to set the state of controls that typically change
infrequently once they are set during a session. The following settings are part of the recall
Fader 1 Routing
Fader 1 Switches
Fader 2 Routing
Fader 2 Switches
Multitrack Summing Bus Assignments
Auxiliary Send Routing
Global Settings
Clear Settings
Recall settings may be set on one or more channels via Recall Settings window. The current
recall settings, whether set via software or on the console, may be read globally from the
console and stored as part of a snapshot. Operation of the recall system is explained in detail in
section 24.0 Recall System.
The Automation System records fader, mute, and switch moves to SMPTE or MIDI Timecode.
These moves can be played back and edited as needed. The following controls are part of the
automation system:
Fader 1 Fader and Mute
Fader 2 Fader and Mute
Fader 1 and 2 Inserts
EQ Bypass
Auxiliary Send On/Off
Automation data is recorded using both hardware controls and software interfaces. The current
settings of the automation controls may be read globally from the console and stored as part of
a snapshot. Operation of the automation system is explained in detail in section 26.0
Automation System.