vi. Automation Quick Reference
Automation Quick Reference
1. Generate time code from DAW or other media:
a. Select proper frame-rate
b. Set to generate SMPTE time code (LTC) or MIDI time code (MTC)
2. Vision set up:
a. Create a new Project or open an existing one
b. Open the desired Song (if needed)
c. Select Manual mode console-wide from the Vision Control Panel or Channels window
d. Create your initial mix
e. Enable time code ( En: TC) to enable time code synchronization
f. Enable faders ( En: Faders) to enable fader automation
g. Enable switches (En: Switches) to enable switch automation
h. Enable groups (En: Groups) to enable group functions
i. Select NEW MIX from the ACM menu on the Vision Control Panel and follow the prompts as
Important Note: When NEW MIX is selected from the ACM menu a new mix with the initial mix
positions is created across all time code addresses.
3. Automation
a. Press “Save Mix” to save the mix in the ACM to the PC at any time
b. Engage “Auto Save” to save the mix in the ACM to the PC automatically each time new data is
written to the mix pass in the ACM
c. Engage “Auto Safe” to return channels to Read mode when time code is stopped