Selecting a MIDI Port for MTC
To configure a MIDI port for MTC, use the following procedure:
Select ““Control Surface Setup…” from the “Setup” menu in the Main
window. The Control Surface and MIDI Setup window will open.
Select the desired MIDI Port to MTC communication from the MIDI Port
pull-down menu.
Click “Save” to save the selected MIDI port and close the window.
Enable Timecode
Fader Calibration
The Vision software provides a fader calibration routine that aligns the physical fader positions
with the related positions in the software. It is recommended to perform this routine
periodically to assure the continued accuracy of the automation system. It should also be
performed after FCM firmware updates are installed or hardware changes have been made.
To perform the fader calibration routine, select “Manage FCMs…” from the Setup Menu.
Timecode must be “Enabled” in order to be used by the Automation
system. To Enable Timecode engage the “Enable TC” button on the
VCP or click the “En: Timecode” button in the Global Functions