NOTE: The 200 Slots may be normalled to a location pre or post the EQ in either path, via an
internal programming link. If the link is set where the 200 Slots are pre the EQ, the
selected input source feeds the slots before proceeding to the Channel Input patch point
for that path (Fader 1 or Fader 2). (Refer to the sections 3.2 and 3.3 for additional 200
Slot information.)
2.3 Channel Signal Processing
The Equalizer (500 Slot) is assignable to either Fader 1 or Fader 2.
The Equalizer is normally assigned to Fader 1
The Equalizer may be assigned to Fader 2 using the EQ FDR2 switch
The Equalizer may be bypassed using the EQ BYP switch
The 500 Slot may be fitted with the one of the following Equalizers
550L 4-Band All Discrete EQ
560L Graphic EQ
Upper and Lower 200 Slots
The 200 Slots may be routed Pre or Post the EQ in either audio path via an internal
programming link
The Upper 200 slot can be programmed to change locations using a USER switch
If preamps are located in the Options Bucket, both 200 Slots may be fitted with signal
processor modules
The 200 Slots may be fitted with the following signal processing modules:
215L Sweep Filter
225L Compressor
235L Gate
Fader 1 and Fader 2 have the following features:
Insert Send and Return
Phase Reverse (Polarity Inverter)
Peak Indicator
High-pass Filter
Fader 1 has a 40-600 Hz sweep filter
Fader 2 has a 70 Hz fixed filter
Automatable Fader
Solo Activation
Channel Output Assignments
Fader 1 and Fader 2 paths have complete access to all output assignment possibilities.
These output assignments are as follows:
Direct Output
Stereo/Surround Panning
Multitrack Summing Busses 1-24
Surround Program Bus
Stereo Program Bus A, B, and C
Auxiliary Sends 1-10
Insert Send
Only one path can be assigned to feed the Direct Output at a time
Fader 1 normally feeds the Direct Output
Fader 2 will feed the Direct Output only when the Fader 2 DIR switch is engaged
The Direct Output and Multitrack Summing Busses provide flexible multitrack routing
There are twenty-four (24) Multitrack Summing Busses which feed Active Combining
Amplifiers (ACA)
There is a Trim for each ACA output
Only one audio path (Fader 1 or Fader 2) can be assigned to the Multitrack Summing
Busses at a time
The Direct Output and Multitrack Summing Busses provide flexible multitrack routing