26.3 Automation
The automation system has two distinct parts:
Console Hardware: Fader and 1068L modules, Fader Control Modules (FCM),
Automation Control Module (ACM), and Vision Control Panel (VCP)
Vision Software: The Vision software application running on the PC.
During normal operation, the console hardware and Vision software communicate via an
ethernet connection. A mix is started and modified using the console hardware and then
“Saved” to the Mix Tree in an open project. A mix in the Mix Tree can be further modified using
either console hardware or software.
However, the console hardware is capable of automating a mix without the software, but the
resultant mix will not be saved to the computer until communication with the software is made.
Many of the controls in the software are “mirrored” in the hardware, and vice versa, thus
providing a user interface that will accommodate most styles of working and project work flows.
A Project File must be open in order to use the Vision software during mixing.
Automation Hardware Components
The console automation hardware is distributed among six (6) subsystems:
Automation Control Module (ACM): Interface with Vision PC and console hardware
Vision Control Panel: Console automation control panel
Fader Control Module (FCM): 8-channel fader control module
Fader Module: Fader and mute for the Fader 1 audio path and automation controls
for the channel
1068L Input Module: Channel Input Module including fader and mute for the Fader
2 audio path and the mute for the Fader 1 audio path