Automation Control Module (ACM)
The Automation Control Module (ACM) is the master controller and computer interface for
both the recall and automation systems.
The ACM is responsible for all real time automation features and always holds the last mix
pass in its volatile RAM memory. If the computer crashes, it is still possible to continue
working and recover the last mix pass from the ACM, as long as power is not lost. In fact,
the ACM can function perfectly well without the computer, with the exception of a few
inaccessible commands and the ability to save your work to disk.
If the ACM fails, all of the automation functions are inaccessible, and your most recent
mix pass is lost. However the console remains active for manual control and all of your
saved mixes are safe in the Vision PC.
The ACM also provides the SMPTE and MIDI Timecode interfaces for automation and the
MIDI interface for DAW control. The ACM may be mounted under the console or installed
in an external rack.
Vision Control Panel (VCP)
Vision Control Panel (VCP): The Vision
Control Panel is the control panel and
display for the ACM. It provides a 5 by 6
matrix of automation control buttons and a
backlit LCD display.
The main display shows Timecode, Mix
Name, Memory used, Timecode frame-rate,
and connection status. It can also display
fader levels, ACM menus, and messages.
The top row of yellow buttons control
Global Functions.
The two rows of red buttons automation
modes and submode assignment.
The green buttons enable various aspects
of the automation system, as well as a
“Clear Sub-Mode” button.
The bottom rows of yellow and green
buttons control the selection of channel
sections, saving mixes, and navigation.
The VCP is located next to the master
faders in the Center Section.