IMPORTANT NOTE: The FRONT pan-pot is two pan-pots ganged together to a single knob.
When assigned, one pan-pot feeds Stereo Program Busses A, B, and C,
and the other fees the L/R Surround Program Bus. Because of this
innovative design, the F/R pan-pot has no affect on the feed to the
Stereo Program Busses, allowing simultaneous stereo and surround
mixing without using the Lt Rt Fold Down Matrix.
Channel Faders
Each audio path has its own output fader:
Fader 1
Fader 2
Each fader is touch sensitive, full-sized (100mm), and automatable.
Fader 1 and/or Fader 2 faders can be set to a common position on a global basis via
Each fader is located before the High-pass Filter and Mute switch at the end of each audio
Details pertaining to each individual fader are included in the following sections.
Fader 1
The Fader 1 fader is located in the Fader Module at the bottom of a complete channel strip.
It is the primary level control for the Fader 1 audio path.
FADER 1: Controls the output level of the Fader 1 audio path
When the Fader is set to 0dB, the audio path level is at unity gain
Full-size 100mm Fader
Fully automated
Touch sensitive for automation control
Contains the automation controls for both faders and switches