11.0 Solo Modes and Controls
Solo Modes
Vision consoles provide the following solo modes:
Pre-Fader Listen (PFL)
After-Fader Listen (AFL)
Solo-In-Place (SIP)
Pre-fader Listen (PFL):
The stereo Solo Bus is fed pre-fader
Control Room monitor source is replaced with the Solo Bus
Solo Level Control
After Fader Listen (AFL):
The stereo Solo Bus is fed post pan-pot (post-fader)
Control Room monitor source is replaced with the Solo Bus
Solo Level Control
Stereo (Left and Right only…no Center, LFE, Surround or A/B)
Solo-In-Place (SIP):
Destructive (all other channels/returns will mute when a SOLO button is engaged)
Monitored via the assigned Program Busses
Panned (Stereo or Surround)
Solo-In-Place for Fader 1 and Fader 2 may be assigned individually
Solo-In-Place for Fader 1 and Fader 2 may operate independently or be linked
NOTE: After Fader Listen (AFL) is the default solo mode (no buttons engaged).
Solo modes are selected using the SOLO controls in the Center Section.
The channel SOLO buttons may be engaged in one of the following solo activation modes:
Momentary (MOM): The solo function will be active only while a SOLO button is held
One or more SOLO buttons may be engaged at once
The solo function will be deactivated when all SOLO buttons have been released
Additive (ADD): Multiple SOLO buttons may be engaged at once
Any pressed SOLO buttons will remain engaged when released
Individual SOLO buttons may be disengaged by pressing a them second time
The solo function will be deactivated when all SOLO buttons have been released
Latch (LATCH): Only one SOLO button may be engaged at once
A SOLO button will remain engaged when pressed and released
The SOLO button will be disengaged by pressing a it second time
Pressing a second SOLO button while one is already engaged will disengage the
active SOLO button and engage the second one
NOTE: All engaged SOLO buttons may be disengaged by pressing the SOLO CLR button
(Solo Clear).
The selected Solo mode is activated when a
SOLO button on a 1068L channel module is
Engaging the SOLO button on a E1068L
Stereo/Surround Return or 227L Cue Send
will activate the AFL solo mode only.