23.0 Snapshots
A “snapshot” is a captured static image of selected parameters controlled by the automation and recall
systems for a selected number of channels. In other words, a snapshot is a stored set of settings of the
automation faders, mutes, and switches and/or the recall settings for one or more channels from a
single moment in time.
The tools in Snapshot Menu (right-click), allow the operator to “take” a snapshot of selected parameters
on selected channels and store it in the Snapshot List. The snapshots in the list can be “applied” and
further managed as needed.
A Project File must be open in order to make and use snapshots.
Snapshots are stored as part of the current Project File. Multiple snapshots can be saved in a project.
In common practice, snapshots can be very useful for quickly storing and recalling most major console
settings when moving between projects and songs or storing settings for use at a later time.
The Snapshots tab provides the means to create, display, and manage snapshot files. Click the
Snapshots tab to open the Snapshot List.
23.1 Snapshot
For each snapshot, the following information is displayed:
Name: Title of the snapshot
Details: Information about the contents of the snapshot
The abbreviations for the “Details” section of the display describe the channel sections that are
included in the snapshot. The abbreviations stand for the following:
F1: Fader 1 position
F1 SW: Fader 1 mute and insert switches
F2: Fader 2 position
F2 SW: Fader 2 mute and insert switches
Auto SW: Automation switches (EQ Bypass and Aux Send On/Off)
Rcl All: All recall settings (routing and recall switches)
The numbers under the channel sections (1-48, 81-112, etc.) indicate the range of channels
included in the snapshot.