25.0 Groups
“Groups” can be setup to control the same parameters that are controlled by the automation
system. These controls include the following:
Faders 1 and 2
Fader 1 and 2 Mutes
Fader 1 and 2 Mutes
Automation Switches:
EQ Bypass
Auxiliary Send On/Off
Groups are setup with a “Master” channel or fader and one or more “Members.”
Groups can be “nested” by creating groups whose Masters are Members in other groups.
The only limit to the number of groups that can be setup is the number of 1068L and fader
modules installed in the console. On a fully loaded 48 channel console frame, there are a total
of 96 channel faders, 9 Program Master faders, and 6 Control Group Masters…and on a console
this size a maximum of 55 groups can be setup. As long as there is at least one fader or
channel available to be the Master and at least one channel to be the Member, a new group can
be setup. Groups cannot over-lap, so one group cannot control another.
A Project File must be open in order to make and use groups.
Groups are stored within mixes. The number of groups in each mix is displayed in the Mix Tree.
Every time a group is created, changed, or deleted, a new mix is created and the difference
from the original mix is shown in the “Changes” column of the Mix Tree.
The highlighted mixes in the Mix Tree below shows the changes made to the groups within each
mix and the number of groups in each mix.