The Recall Settings window is the main software interface for the recall system. It
provides the means to set channel input and output assignments and recallable channel
The Recall Settings window has nine (9) sections:
Channel Selector: Channel selection grid
Fader 1: Fader 1 switches
Fader 1 Routing: Fader 1 Program Bus routing
Fader 2: Fader 2 switches
Fader 2 Routing: Fader 2 Program Bus routing
Bus Assign: Multitrack Summing Bus Assignments
Stereo Send: Auxiliary Send routing
Global: Global console settings
Clear Settings: Controls to clear recall settings
When the “Read Console” button is clicked, the recall system will “read” the current states
of the recall settings from the console. These settings can then be stored as part of a
Operation of the Recall Settings window is explained in detail in section 24.0 Recall