The Project window has three tabs:
Display and management tools for the mix files in the current song
Display and management tools for the song folders within a project
Display and management tools for snapshot files within a project
Each of the tabs will be presented in brief in the remainder of this section. For complete information
refer to sections 26.8 Mix Tree, 22.0 Songs, and 23.0 Snapshots.
Mix Tree Tab
The “Mix Tree” accepts and displays the mix files for the current project. This includes the mix
files created on the console Automation Control Module (ACM) and using the tools in the Mix
Tree Menu.
Click the Mix Tree tab to open the Mix Tree.
Please refer to 26.8 Mix Tree for complete information.
Songs Tab
A “song” is essentially a virtual folder within the Project File that stores the mix files displayed in
the Mix Tree. Multiple songs can be saved in a project. A separate song can be created for
each recording in a music project or each scene in a film or video project.
The Songs tab provides the means to create, display, and delete songs. Click the Songs tab to
open the Song List.