26.4.2 Global Channel Section Selectors
The Global Channel Section Selectors are used to globally assign automation modes and
submodes to the different channel sections.
Global Channel Section Selectors function as follows:
The Global Channel Section Selectors toggle on and off when clicked.
If a group of channel sections is selected and the “All” button is clicked, all channel
sections and masters will be selected. If the “All” button is clicked a second time, all
channel sections and masters, including the original group, will be deselected.
After channel sections have been selected in the Channel Section Grid, selecting an
automation mode and/or submode will apply that mode to the selected channel sections.
By selecting multiple channel sections, any combination of channels can be setup with the
same settings simultaneously. This allows the console to be quickly configured for various
mixing tasks.
26.4.3 Channel Status Display
When the mouse cursor is placed over a channel section or Master channel box, the
Channel Status Display will show the current status of the selected channel section.
The Global Channel Section Selectors allow the following
channel sections to be globally selected for automation
mode assignment:
Fader 1 fader and mute
Fader 2 fader and mute
Fader 1 and Fader 2 (All 1 & 2)
Switches (Inserts, EQ Bypass, Aux Send On/Off)
All (all channel sections)
Switches: Selects the automatable switches on all channels
Fader 2: Selects Fader 2 on all channels
Fader 1: Selects Fader 1 on all channels, as well as all Program and
Control Group Masters
All: Selects all channel sections on all channels (Fader 1, Fader 2, Switches,
and Program and Control Group Masters)
All 1 & 2: Selects all channel and Master faders (Fader 1, Fader 2, and all
Program and Control Group Masters… but not Switches)
The Channel Status Display shows the
following information:
Channel: Selected channel number
Section: Selected channel section
Mode: Current Automation Mode
Submode: Current Automation