Master Communication
MPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02
Possible error messages could be:
F4001 Double MST failure shutdown
F4002 Double MDT failure shutdown
F4003 Invalid communication phase shutdown
F4004 Error during phase progression
F4005 Error during phase regression
F4006 Phase switching without ready signal
Diagnosing the Interface Status
The parameter
S-0-0014, Interface status
is used to diagnose existing
interface errors and the current communication phase.
Error Counter for Telegram Failures
The drive checks every received master synchronization and master data
telegram for
the correct receive time,
the assigned telegram length and
the correct CRC checksum.
The failure of a telegram is registered by incrementing an error counter.
For this purpose, these two parameters are used:
S-0-0028, MST error
S-0-0029, MDT error counter
The content of parameter S-0-0028 is cleared when switching from
communication phase 2 to 3, the content of parameter S-0-0029 is
cleared when switching from communication phase 3 to 4.
Real-Time Control Bits and Real-Time Status Bits
Brief Description
The master control word and the drive status word contain 2 configurable
real-time bits each. To configure these binary signals there are the
following parameters:
S-0-0301, Allocation of real-time control bit 1
S-0-0303, Allocation of real-time control bit 2
S-0-0305, Allocation of real-time status bit 1
S-0-0307, Allocation of real-time status bit 2
S-0-0398, IDN list of configurable data in signal status word
S-0-0399, IDN list of configurable data in the signal control word
S-0-0413, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 1
S-0-0414, Bit number allocation of real-time control bit 2
S-0-0415, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 1
S-0-0416, Bit number allocation of real-time status bit 2
These parameters contain the information of which parameter bit 0 (LSB)
is mapped to the corresponding real-time status bit and therefore is sent
cyclically to the master, or to which parameters the real-time control bits
are mapped.