MPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02
Drive Functions
When the drive is switched on again (after initial commissioning), the
correction values stored in parameter
P-0-0342, Correction value table
for encoder correction
are automatically activated when the respective
bit was set in
P-0-0341, Control word for encoder correction
Axis Error Correction
Brief Description
The actual position value provided by the measuring system can differ
from the real actual position value at the axis, e.g. at the point of chip
removal in the case of metal-cutting machining, due to...
inaccuracy of the measuring system
transmission inaccuracy in mechanical transmission elements such as
gear, clutch, feed spindle etc.
thermal expansion of machine parts of the drive system.
For compensating the mechanically determined position error sources,
IndraDrive controllers provide the following correction functions:
backlash on reversal correction
precision axis error correction
control-side axis error correction
Only one of the three above correction functions can be active at a time. If
more than one should have been activated, only the correction function of
highest priority is active, the order of the above list is according to
increasing priority. If several correction functions are activated
simultaneously, only the one of highest priority takes effect!
In addition, it is possible to activate the temperature error correction.
IndraDrive controllers provide two possibilities of correcting temperature
independent of axis position
depending on axis position
The two possibilities of temperature error correction can be activated
simultaneously and in addition to the other correction functions!
S-0-0058, Reversal clearance
S-0-0124, Standstill window
P-0-0400, Axis correction external correction value
P-0-0401, Axis correction active correction value
P-0-0402, Axis correction reference temperature
P-0-0403, Axis correction reference position for temp. corr.
P-0-0404, Axis correction actual temperature pos.-dependent
P-0-0405, Axis correction actual temperature pos.-independent
P-0-0406, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-dependent
P-0-0407, Axis correction temperature factor pos.-independent
P-0-0408, Axis correction start position
P-0-0409, Axis correction end position
P-0-0410, Axis correction support point distance
P-0-0411, Axis correction, correction table positive
Activating Encoder Correction
Pertinent Parameters
Expansion package
servo function
(order designation
) in