Operating Modes
MPH-02, MPB-02, MPD-02
Case 9:
current velocity (positive)
< S-0-0417
; braking distance smaller than
the distance between starting position and next target position
drive moves to next target position
The following applies to the braking procedure:
starting po braking distance – target position
< S-0-0418
positioning in negative direction allowed; i.e. drive must move to
target in negative direction
Case 10:
current velocity (negative)
< S-0-0417
braking distance smaller than distance between starting position and
next target position
drive moves to next target position
The following applies to the braking procedure:
starting pos. + braking distance (negative) – target position
< S-0-0418
positioning in negative direction directly at target position
Case 11:
current velocity negative and braking distance greater than the
difference between starting position and next target position
drive positions at next target position in negative direction
The following applies to the braking procedure:
starting pos. + braking distance (now negative) – target position
> S-0-0418
drive positions negatively at next target position
As a matter of principle, the braking distance is calculated
before starting the positioning movement; the result of the
calculation influences the subsequent positioning procedure.
Case 12:
current velocity (positive)
< S-0-0417
; braking distance greater than
the distance between starting position and next target position
drive brakes to zero and changes direction in order to move to the
next target position
Case 13:
current velocity (negative)
< S-0-0417
; braking distance greater than
the distance between starting position and next target position
drive brakes to zero and changes direction in order to move to the
next target position
Diagnostic Messages and Monitoring Functions
Diagnostic Status Messages
The activated "drive-controlled positioning" mode is displayed by one of
the following diagnostic messages:
A0150 Drive controlled positioning, encoder 1
A0151 Drive controlled positioning, encoder 1, lagless
A0152 Drive controlled positioning, encoder 2
A0153 Drive controlled positioning, encoder 2, lagless