3200 System Operator’s Manual
9140181H—October 2001
Calibration Procedures
Pre-Calibration Procedures
Section 6
10. Confirm that the waste container is no more than half full. If necessary, empty
it as described in
11. Confirm that background counts are within limits. If the system has been idle
for fifteen minutes or more, a Background count should be run immediately
prior to running any calibration specimens.
12. Confirm that the Operator ID number is entered.
Calibration Materials
Calibrator Requirements
• For commercial calibrators, follow the directions given in the package insert.
Be certain to carefully read and follow directions given for warming and
• Auto-Cal Method: The calibrator should be cycled for a minimum of 6 and a
maximum of 10 consecutive runs when calibrating in either Open or Closed
• Enter Factor Method: The calibrator should be cycled for a minimum of 6
consecutive runs. Additional samples and/or repetitions of the specimens
may be used to achieve calibration accuracy beyond NCCLS
• The Calibrator sample should contain a minimum of 5.0 mL. If necessary,
aliquot a sufficient amount of sample into a single tube for Closed Mode
Fresh Whole Blood Requirements
The International Committee for Standardization in Hematology (ICSH) defines a
fresh blood sample as one available for processing less than four hours following
venous sampling.
Normal Sample
• Blood samples should be from the general patient population, with values for
all parameters which are within the laboratory’s normal range.
• All cellular morphology must be normal.
• No known interfering substances should be present (for example, lipemia,
icterus, medications).
• All samples must be properly collected in the EDTA anticoagulant used by
the laboratory.
• Each tube should contain at least 90% of the nominal collection volume of
• Samples should be at room temperature and mixed properly.