Programming examples
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
// make sure to stay within their frequency ranges
:SENSe1:FREQuency1:STARt 1 GHZ
// use a small number of sweep points
:SENSe1:SWEeep:POINt 20
// Enable coherence, but turn low phase noise off
// use VNA port 1 as RF port
:SENSe1:FREQuency1:CONVersion:MIXer:RFPort 1
// use VNA port 2 as IF port
:SENSe1:FREQuency1:CONVersion:MIXer:IFPort 2
// use VNA port 3 as LO port
:SENSe1:FREQuency1:CONVersion:MIXer:LOPort1 PORT, 3
// provide a fixed LO signal at 50 MHz and 7 dBm
:SENSe1:FREQuency1:CONVersion:MIXer:FIXed1 LO
:SENSe1:FREQuency1:CONVersion:MIXer:FFIXed 50 MHZ
:SOURce1:FREQuency1:CONVersion:MIXer:PFIXed 7
// activate vector mixer mode
SENSe1:FREQuency1:CONVersion VMIXer
VUOSM calibration
UOSM vector mixer calibration using a calibration unit and a calibration mixer.
// delete all pre-existing port assignments
// UOSM vector mixer cal with calu's factory characterization
:SENSe1:CORRection:COLLect:AUTO:CONFigure VUOSm, ''
// connect the RF port (port 1) to calu port 1
// connect the IF port (port 2) to calu port 2
// declare the port assignment
// acquire UOSM calibration data between RF and IF port
// connect the calibration mixer and acquire calibration data
// (currently, this must be the last calibration step)
:SENSe1:CORRection:COLLect:AUTO:MIXer 1,2
VPUOSM calibration
A SMARTer UOSM vector mixer calibration using a calibration unit, a power meter and
a calibration mixer.
// delete all pre-existing port assignments
Preferred procedure:
// VPUOSM vector mixer calibration with calu's factory characterization
:SENSe1:CORRection:COLLect:AUTO:CONFigure VPUosm, ''
// connect the RF port (port 1) to calu port 1
Condensed programming examples