GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
The marker can be moved freely inside the diagram, directly adjusting its X and Y coor-
dinates. If in the current trace format the X axis represents the stimulus, the marker's
stimulus value is adjusted accordingly. Otherwise the marker's stimulus value remains
unchanged and is not shown in the
. Switching between trace formats
resets the marker position to the response value at the marker's stimulus value, i.e. the
marker snaps to the trace.
Remote command:
Marker Info
Displays the marker coordinates above the marker symbol.
Remote command:
Ref Mkr -> Mkr
Places the reference marker to the position of the active marker. "Ref. Mkr -> Mkr" is
not active if the active marker is a reference marker.
Remote command:
Export Markers
Calls up a "Save As"... dialog to store the current marker values to a marker file.
The analyzer uses a simple ASCII format to export marker values. By default, the
marker file extension is
. The file contains all traces in the active recall set
together with their names and measured quantities. Below each trace, the file shows a
list of all markers with their names, stimulus and response values.
The following example of a marker file describes a recall set with two traces, "Trc1"
and its memory trace "Mem2[Trc1]". "Trc1" has a reference marker "R" and three nor-
mal markers "M1, M2, M3" assigned, the memory trace has no markers.
Remote command:
Decimal Places...
Opens the "User Interface" tab of the "System Config" dialog, which allows to define
the (maximum) number of decimal digits for different units. See
Marker softtool