GUI reference
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Figure 5-32: Define Parallel Measurement
Modified settings are not applied unless the "Define Parallel Measurement" dialog
is closed with the "OK" button.
On "OK", any pre-existing logical port configuration is overwritten.
Each configured DUT can have its own ground loop embedding and deembedding
DUT Definition tab
Modify an existing DUT
The DUT table allows you to rename an existing DUT.
1. Locate the related row in the DUT table.
2. In the "DUT" column, specify the DUT's name.
Controls and Functions
The GUI functions are self-explanatory; their use is sufficiently explained in the above
The remote control implementation of the "Multiple DUTs" feature introduces an addi-
tional "port group" layer. A DUT's port group consists of the logical VNA ports that are
connected to this DUT.
Channel Config softtool