Concepts and features
User Manual 1178.6462.02 ─ 20
Figure 4-7: Adapter Removal vs. UOSM
The obtained adapter characteristics are mathematically removed from the obtained
error coefficients. Uncertainties arising from a non-ideal characterization of the
unknown through almost cancel, whereas they add up in the UOSM technique. As a
consequence, Adapter Removal will provide more accurate results.
Adapter Removal is not defined for more than 2 ports. However, with "Multiple Cali-
brations per Channel" enabled, multiple (disjoint) port pairs can be calibrated using
Adapter Removal.
Currently Adapter Removal is not supported with
TOM calibration
A TOM (Through – Open – Match) calibration requires a low-reflection, low-loss
Through standard with an electrical length that can be different from zero, an Open,
and a Match. The characteristics of all standards must be fully known; the Match can
have non-ideal characteristics.
TSM calibration
A TSM (Through – Short – Match) calibration requires a low-reflection, low-loss
Through standard with an electrical length that can be different from zero, a Short, and
a Match. The characteristics of all standards must be fully known; the Match can have
non-ideal characteristics.
TSM calibration can replace TOM calibration if no appropriate Open standard is availa-
ble, especially in the high frequency domain.
TRM calibration
A TRM (Through – Reflect – Match) calibration requires a low-reflection, low-loss
Through standard with an electrical length that can be different from zero, a Reflect,
and a Match. The magnitude of the reflection coefficient of the Reflect standard can be