In this section:
LPT library reference .............................................................. 13-1
Lists of LPT library commands ............................................... 13-2
LPT commands for general operations .................................. 13-9
LPT commands for math operations .................................... 13-51
LPT commands for SMUs .................................................... 13-59
LPT commands for PGUs and PMUs ................................... 13-91
LPT commands for pulse source only (PG2) ...................... 13-131
LPT commands for the CVUs ............................................. 13-165
LPT commands for switching ............................................. 13-198
LPT Library Status and Error codes ................................... 13-207
LPT library and Clarius interaction when using UTMs ........ 13-214
LPT library reference
The Keithley Instruments Linear Parametric Test Library (LPT library) is a high-speed data acquisition
and instrument control software library. It is the programmer’s lowest level of command interface to
the system instrumentation. You can use the library commands to configure the relay matrix and
instrumentation for parametric tests.
This section lists the commands included in the LPT library and describes how to use them. The
descriptions include:
A brief description of the command.
Usage, which shows how the command should be organized and descriptions of each parameter.
The parameters that you need to supply are shown in italics. For example, for the command
int delay(long
, replace
with the duration of the delay.
Detailed information about the command.
Examples that show a typical use of the command in a test sequence.
The following conventions are used when explaining the commands:
All LPT library commands are case-sensitive and must be entered as lower case when writing
program code.
Period strings (
) indicate additional arguments or commands that can be added.
Periods (
) indicate data not shown in an example because it is not necessary to help explain
the specific command.
Section 13
LPT library function reference