Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 7: Keithley Configuration Utility (KCon)
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
The constants include:
is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle
K: Boltzmann’s constant
Q: The charge of an electron
M0: Electron mass
EV: Electron volt
U0: Permeability
E0: Permittivity of a vacuum
H: Planck’s constant
C: Speed of light
KTQ: The thermal voltage
For additional information, see
(on page 6-222).
To modify the constants:
1. Select
2. Next to Formulator Constants, select
3. To add a constant, select
and complete the fields.
4. To remove a constant, select the constant and select
5. To change a constant, select the constant and select
Generate Technical Support Files
The Technical Support Files option analyzes your 4200A-SCS. KCon stores the analysis results to a
USB flash drive. You can then send the results to Keithley Instruments for review.
To generate a technical support file:
1. Insert a USB flash drive into one of the front-panel USB ports.
2. Select
3. Next to Technical Support Files, select
4. Select
5. After the System Audit window appears and indicates a successful analysis, select
. The
System Audit window closes.
6. Contact your local Keithley Instruments office, sales partner, or distributor for details on how to
send the files.
Technical support personnel at Keithley Instruments will review the analysis information and assess
the state of your 4200A-SCS.
About KCon
About KCon
displays a dialog box that contains version and copyright information.