Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Appendix A: Using switch matrices
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Typical CVU matrix card connections
In your project, you can automate the use of a CVU and other instrumentation using a switching
matrix and actions to control the switching. When the project is run, the switching matrix automatically
makes the required instrument connections for each test in the project.
The next figures show typical connections for a switch system using a Series 700 Switching System
with the 7174A Matrix Card installed.
You can also use the 7072 Matrix Card for C-V testing. However, you must use rows G and H and
local (2-wire) sensing.
The SMA cables and adapters shown in the following drawings are supplied with the CVU or the
4210-CVU-Prober-Kit. The triaxial and BNC cables are not supplied. The prober kit includes two
types of BNC-to-triaxial adapters that connect directly to the rows of the matrix. The 7078-TRX-BNC
has the guard connected to the inner shield of the adapter. The 7078-TRX-GND has the guard
This figure shows connections for local (2-wire) sensing. It shows the 4210-CVU connected to rows E
and F of the matrix. This is the connection scheme for the
project. For details,
(on page 4-34).
Figure 527: Test connections for a switch matrix - local (2-wire) sensing