Appendix B: Using a Model 590 C-V Analyzer
Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
The following figure shows the three regions of a typical C-V curve for a MOS capacitor.
Figure 547: Typical C-V curve for a MOS capacitor
Capacitance measurement tests
The 4200A-SCS provides the following tests to perform C-V tests using the 590:
590 C-V Sweep (590-cvsweep):
Makes a capacitance measurement at each step of a user-
configured linear voltage sweep.
590 C-V Pulse Sweep (590-cvpulsesweep):
Makes a capacitance measurement at each step of
a user-configured pulsed voltage sweep.
590 C-t Sweep (590-ctsweep):
Makes a specified number of capacitance measurements at a
specified time interval. Voltage is held constant for these capacitance measurements.
590 Capacitance Measurements (590-cmeas):
Makes capacitance and conductance
measurements at a fixed bias voltage.
There are also user modules available for the 590. Refer to
(on page 6-312).
For additional information about 590 connections, see the Model 590 C-V Analyzer Instruction
Signal connections
Basic signal connections for the 590 are shown in the following figure.
The center conductors of the BNC connectors are connected to the device under test (DUT). The
outer shield of one of the coaxial cables is typically connected to a Faraday shield. The Model 590
output is typically connected to the wafer backside (or well). The input is typically connected to the
gate of a MOS capacitor.