Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 6: Clarius
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Capacitance Range Estimator
The measurement accuracy of the 4210-CVU is specified up to 100 nF. However, the CVU can make
much higher capacitance measurements. The maximum capacitance is based on the test frequency,
AC drive signal, and range.
The Capacitance Range Estimator automatically calculates the maximum capacitance value based
on the parameter settings. It shows the maximum capacitance values in the mF ranges. Note that
capacitance values above 100 nF are not tested or calibrated.
In general, to measure high capacitances, use the lowest test frequency (1 kHz), the smallest AC
drive voltage (10 mV
), and the maximum current range (1 mA or autorange).
To use the Capacitance Range Estimator:
1. Select
2. In the Key Parameters pane, click the CVH1 terminal.
3. Select the
Terminal Settings
4. Select
5. Change the parameters as needed to view the maximum capacitor value for those settings.
CVU Terminal Settings Advanced settings and circuits
You can apply AC drive voltage and DC bias voltage to either the CVH1 terminal or the CVL1
terminal. To change the options, select the
Terminals Settings
pane, then select
By default, AC source voltage is applied to the CVH1 terminal and the current measurement is made
at the CVL1 terminal. Also by default, the DC source voltage (bias) is applied to the CVL1 terminal.
The settings and test circuits are shown in the following figures.
Figure 241: AC source and DC source applied to CVH1