Appendix A: Using switch matrices
Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
7072 Semiconductor Matrix Card
The 7072 provides two two-pole low current paths that have <1 pA offset current (rows A and B), two
1-pole CV paths for characterization from DC to 1 MHz (rows G and H), and four two-pole paths for
general purpose switching (rows C, D, E, and F). The card is equipped with 3-lug triaxial connectors
for signal connections. The maximum signal level is 200 V, 1 A. The maximum leakage is 0.01 pA/V
and the 3 dB bandwidth is 5 MHz (CV channals).
The next figure shows a test system using 7072 matrix cards. The connection requirements for this
card are the same as the connection requirements for the 7174A. Notice that the C-V meter is
connected to rows G and H. These two rows are optimized for C-V measurements.
If using preamplifiers with the 4200A-SCS, they should be connected to the first two rows of the 7072
matrix card.
The next figure and the
(on page A-20) figures show how signals are
routed through 7072 matrix switches to a DUT.
Figure 522: Test system using 7072 matrix cards