Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 5: Pulse measure and pulse generator units
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
For optimum performance, you should do connection compensation any time the connection setup is
changed or disturbed. Changes in temperature or humidity do not affect connection compensation.
When you run connection compensation, the following status messages are generated:
Starting PMU Cable Compensation...
R = % Ohms
PMU Cable Compensation complete.
= value (V and I measured, Ohms calculated).
Any failures with the compensation process are reported as errors:
Maximum Ch x leakage current at 0V exceeded! I = %gA
Maximum Ch x pulse leakage current exceeded! I = %gA
Ch x voltage offset exceeded at 0V! V = %gV
Ch x cable pulse measure current is out of tolerance! I = %gA
Ch x cable pulse measure voltage is out of tolerance! V = %gV
Ch x pulse voltage exceeded! V = %gV
Open cable impedance too low! R = %g Ohms
Cable impedance too high! R = %g Ohms
Ch x
= channel 1 or channel 2
= double value (V and I measured, Ohms calculated)