Section 5: Pulse measure and pulse generator units
Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Prober chuck connections
When possible, avoid pulse connections to the prober chuck. If unavoidable, use these guidelines
when connecting to the prober chuck:
When making connections to the back side of the wafer, PMU functionality will be diminished.
Use caution and verify waveforms.
Generally, the chuck adds capacitance and noise. This reduces both low-current and high-speed
sampling performance.
If one of the device terminals is the back side of the wafer, then pulse only on that terminal (on
chuck) and measure at another terminal using the second channel. If possible, do not measure
from the PMU channel connected to the chuck.
For a two-terminal device, refer to
Two-terminal device connections
(on page 5-12), using figure
"Two-terminal device connections to a PMU using both channels" as a guide.
For a four-terminal device, use the
Four-terminal device connections
(on page 5-15) to two PMUs
figure, or the
(on page 5-18) four-terminal figure as a guide (as applicable). This
cabling approach permits the low-side measurement approach described in
(on page 5-42).
Two-terminal device connections
The next figure shows connections to a two-terminal device using a single channel. Connect one end
of the device to the center conductor of Ch 1 and connect the other side to pulse card common
(outside shield of the SMA cable).
Figure 150: Two-terminal device connections to a pulse card using one channel