In this section:
Models 4220-PGU and 4225-PMU ........................................... 5-1
Model 4225-RPM ..................................................................... 5-6
Waveform capture .................................................................... 5-9
Connections ............................................................................. 5-9
Configure the PGU, PMU, and RPM using tests .................... 5-20
PMU pulse timing preview ...................................................... 5-20
PMU connection compensation .............................................. 5-30
Load-line effect compensation (LLEC) for the PMU ............... 5-34
Pulse parameter definitions .................................................... 5-40
PMU minimum settling times versus current measure range . 5-41
PMU capacitive charging/discharging effects ......................... 5-42
PMU and RPM measure ranges are not source ranges ......... 5-44
4220-PGU and 4225-PMU output limitations ......................... 5-45
4200A-SCS power supply limitations ..................................... 5-46
Basic troubleshooting procedure ............................................ 5-48
Pulse source-measure concepts ............................................ 5-55
Measurement types ................................................................ 5-70
Models 4220-PGU and 4225-PMU
The 4220-PGU Pulse Generator Unit and 4225-PMU Pulse Measure Unit are high-speed pulse
generator cards for the 4200A-SCS. In this section, the 4220-PGU is referred to as a "PGU," and the
4225-PMU is referred to as a "PMU." The PGU provides pulse output only; the PMU provides both
pulse output and pulse measurement. The PGU and PMU have similar pulse output characteristics.
A 4225-PMU can be ordered with one or two 4225-RPM Remote Preamplifier/Switch Modules. In
this section, the 4225-RPM is referred to as an "RPM." The RPM is a remote amplifier or a switch.
For example, it is a preamplifier for the PMU to provide additional low-current measurement ranges.
It is also used as a switch for the 4225-PMU, 4200-SMU, and 4210-CVU. See
(on page 5-6) for details about the RPM.
Section 5
Pulse measure and pulse generator units