Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
Section 13: LPT library function reference
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
LPT commands for general operations
General operation commands include commands to control timing, execution, communications, and
test status.
This command clears the measurement scan tables associated with a sweep.
int clrscn(void);
When a single
command is used in a test sequence, there is no need to program a
command because the
command clears the table. The
command is only required
when multiple sweeps and multiple sweep measurements are used in a single test sequence.
double res1[14], res2[14];
conpin(SMU1, 1, 0);
conpin(SMU2, 2, 0);
conpin(GND, 3, 0);
forcev(SMU1, 4.0); /* Apply 4 V to gate. */
smeasi(SMU2, res1); /* Measure drain current in */
/* each step; store results */
/* in res1 array. */
sweepv(SMU2, 0.0, 14.0, 13, 2.0E-2); /* Make */
/* 14 measurements */
/* over a range of 0 V to 14 V. */
clrscn(); /* Clear smeasi. */
forcev(SMU1, 5.0); /* Apply 5 V to gate. */
smeasi(SMU2, res2); /* Measure drain current in */
/* each step; store results in */
/* res2 array. */
sweepv(SMU2, 0.0, 14.0, 13, 2.0E-2); /* Perform */
/*14 measurements */
/* over a range 0 V through 14 V. */