81341 and 81342 I/O Processors
December 2007
Developer’s Manual
Order Number: 315037-002US
Application DMA Unit—Intel
81341 and 81342
5.16.11 Source Lower Address Register 0…15_x — SLAR0…15_x
The 81341 and 81342 Source Lower Address Register0…15 (SLAR0…15) contains the
lower 32-bit source address. There are 16 Source Address Registers (SLAR0 - SLAR15).
Each of these registers is loaded with the address of blocks of data to be operated upon
by the ADMA. The ADCR register controls the operation performed on the data blocks
referenced by the registers (SLAR0 - SLAR15).
For Dual XOR Operations, the following SLAR0…15_x registers have been redefined:
Lower 32-bit address of the first source data block
Lower 32-bit address of the second source data block
Lower 32-bit address of the Horizontal source data block
Lower 32-bit address of the Diagonal source data block
Lower 32-bit address of the Diagonal destination block
For P+Q Update Operations, the following SLAR0…15_x registers have been redefined:
Lower 32-bit address of the first source data block
Lower 32-bit address of the second source data block
Lower 32-bit address of the P source data block
Lower 32-bit address of the Q source data block
Lower 32-bit address of the Q destination block
Reading SLARx registers once ADMA has started a chain descriptor returns the current
source addresses. Once an operation is initiated, these registers contain current source
addresses. For example; when Byte Count is initially 4096 bytes and ADMA has
completed operation on the first three 1K-byte data blocks, the value in register SARx
is the equal to the programmed descriptor value + 3072 (SARx + 3072).