737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Automatic Flight -
System Description
• the SINGLE CH annunciation extinguishes
• A/P go–around mode arms but is not annunciated.
During a dual autopilot approach and after FLARE ARM annunciation,
any attempted manual override of the autopilots may result in an autopilot
The A/Ps disengage and the F/D command bars retract to indicate an invalid ILS
800 Feet Radio Altitude
The second A/P must be engaged in CMD by 800 feet RA to execute a dual
channel A/P approach. Otherwise, CMD engagement of the second A/P is
500 Feet Radio Altitude
1B785, 1J585 - 1J594
The pilot is required to check for the presence of LAND 3 or LAND 2 in order to
continue the autoland.
If the second autopilot in CMD remains armed and does not engage, LAND 2 or
LAND 3 does not annunciate. Instead, the amber NO AUTOLAND annunciation
alerts the pilot that dual control has not been established and the autoland is to be
450 Feet Radio Altitude
1B785, 1J585 - 1J594
The alignment mode is enabled which provides rudder compensation for the
purpose of decreasing large crab angles produced by crosswinds, and to control
the adverse moments caused by an engine failure. The automatic correction for
aircraft crab angle due to crosswinds and engine failure enhances flight crew
runway perspective and provides optimal aircraft position for initiation of rollout
control. In a strong crosswind, the airplane does not fully align with the runway
but lands in a slight crab. Sideslip is limited to 5 degrees. This mode is not
400 Feet Radio Altitude
The stabilizer is automatically trimmed an additional amount nose up. If the A/Ps
subsequently disengage, forward control column force may be required to hold the
desired pitch attitude.
If FLARE is not armed by approximately 350 feet RA, both A/Ps automatically
March 1, 2021