737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Flight Instruments, Displays -
MAX Display System - Displays
CAUTION: Reduced maneuver capability exists when operating within the
amber regions below the minimum maneuver speed or above
the maximum maneuver speed. During non-normal conditions
the target speed may be below the minimum maneuver speed.
Minimum Speed (red and black)
Top of bar indicates the speed at which stick shaker occurs.
Maximum Maneuver Speed/Next Flap Position Placard Speed (amber)
Shortly after takeoff the amber bar may be displayed until airspeed exceeds 160
knots or until first flap retraction.
When flaps are not up, the bottom of the amber bar indicates the placard speed for
the next normal flap setting. The display logic is based on a normal flap setting
sequence of 1, 5, 15, 30, 40. The bar is removed when the flap handle is moved to
the landing flap setting selected on the APPROACH REF page or when the flap
lever is moved to flaps 40. It is also removed with any flap retraction.
VREF+20 (white)
Displayed with selection of VREF.
Landing Reference Speed (green)
Indicates REF (reference speed) as selected on the CDU APPROACH REF page
(refer to Chapter 11, Flight Management, Navigation) or as set with the Speed
Reference radio buttons on the N1/SPD REF SET display.
REF speed is displayed at the bottom of airspeed indication when selected and
value is off scale.
Speed Reference Display (green)
Reflects the selection on the N1/SPD REF SET display:
• label can say V1, VR, WT LBS, WT KG, MAN SPD, and INVALID
• numerics show the value for the given selection.
• MAN SPD indicates that the SPD REF setting is in SET and not in
80 Knot Airspeed Bug (white)
Indicates 80 knots:
• displayed automatically during preflight
• removed at first flap retraction or when VREF is entered.
March 1, 2021