737 MAX Flight Crew Operations Manual
Flight Management, Navigation -
FMC Preflight
1B402 - 1B786, 1B807 - 1J594
• Update 14.1 (U14.1)
Push – displays the INIT/REF INDEX page.
Engine Rating (ENG RATING)
Displays the engine thrust stored in the FMC performance database (e.g. 25K,
27K or 28K).
ACTIVE Date Range
Displays the effectivity date range for the active navigation database.
Database activation is accomplished by pushing the proper date range prompt to
copy that date into the scratchpad. The scratchpad date may then be transferred to
the ACTIVE database line. The previous active date moves down to the inactive
date line.
The ACTIVE label appears above the active navigation database date. No label
appears above the inactive navigation database date. The navigation database date
can be changed only on the ground. Changing the navigation database removes all
previously entered route data.
When an active database expires in flight, the expired database continues to be
used until the active date is changed after landing.
Inactive Date Range
Displays the effectivity date range for the inactive navigation database.
Supplemental Data (SUPP DATA)
Displays the effective date of supplemental data. Blank if supplemental database
is empty.
Position Initialization (POS INIT)
Push – displays the POS INIT page.
March 1, 2021